Act Like a Snit
Home Voice
Fiction Southeast
Eat Books (Anemone)
A Second Life
Pigeon Pages
Taco Locker Family Date Night
Lilac City Fairy Tales Vol. 3: Weird Sisters
Devils Tower
Anne Kilfoyle was born in Walla Walla, Washington and grew up in Boise, Idaho. Her work catalogs the anxiety, loneliness, and grim humor of trying and failing to close the gap between self and others, as well as the urgency of doing so in the face of ecological and personal loss. Anne’s writing has appeared in Joyland, Epoch, Salamander, and elsewhere. A finalist for CutBank’s Montana Prize and Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers, she is also a Tin House fiction alum, a Summer Fishtrap Fellow, and received support from the Community of Writers. Anne holds an MFA from Eastern Washington University and lives in Oregon with her spouse and two dogs, Hubert and Noodle.